schnaiTEC can share their experience and know-how in the following fields:
Development of scientific instrumentation that is based on optical methods
Instrumentation for laboratory research, e.g. cloud chamber instrumentation
Instrumentation for field research, e.g. airborne instruments
Particle light scattering simulations
Expected signal of optical particle instruments, e.g. light scattering spectrometers
Mie calculations for spherical particles
Multiple-sphere clusters, e.g. absorption and light scattering by fractal soot particles
T-matrix calculations for spheroidal particles
Geometric optics for ice crystals
Image analysis
Processing of particle micrographs, e.g. from bright-field optical microscopy
Extraction of microphysical properties from particle images
Contact us for more information!
schnaiTEC can share their experience and know-how in the following fields:
Development of scientific instrumentation that is based on optical methods
Instrumentation for laboratory research, e.g. cloud chamber instrumentation
Instrumentation for field research, e.g. airborne instruments
Particle light scattering simulations
Expected signal of optical particle instruments, e.g. light scattering spectrometers
Mie calculations for spherical particles
Multiple-sphere clusters, e.g. absorption and light scattering by fractal soot particles
T-matrix calculations for spheroidal particles
Geometric optics for ice crystals
Image analysis
Processing of particle micrographs, e.g. from bright-field optical microscopy
Extraction of microphysical properties from particle images
Contact us for more information!
Do completely new research
Do completely new research
Do completely new research

One of a kind probe for stereo imaging of single cloud particles and simultaneous measurement of the angular light scattering function.
Research Applications
Cloud microphysics
Cloud phase discrimination
Ice particle light scattering studies

Stereoscopic imaging
More detailed microphysical information of cloud particles is accessible when single particles are imaged from two viewing angles 120° apart. -
Correlated single particle light scattering
Single particle light scattering correlated with stereoscopic imaging gives access to the fundamental physics of cloud particle optics.
Power Requirements
Type of Power
Data System
990 W @ 110 VAC, 9 A (max., split to three lines)
110 - 230 VAC, 60 Hz or 400 Hz
13 kg
Overall length:1059 mm
Maximum diameter: 204 mm + Outlet extension: 50 mm
Length of instrument head: 460 mm
Integrated PC-104 with Intel i7 Quad Core processor, 2.4GHz, 8GB RAM, 6x 1GB LAN, and 500 GB SSD for autonomous instrument control and data acquisition
Polar Nephelometer
Detection Optics
Angular Range
Scattering Lase
20 channels, each consisting of a 10 mm off-axis parabola mirror and a 1.25 mm PMMA fibre bundle
18° to 170° with a resolution of 8°
solid angle per channel: 0.01 sr, 5.5 mm field of view diameter
cw, 532 nm, 150 mW, 45° polarized, 50:1 polarization ratio
Signal Conditioning
Acquisition Rate
Dead Time
Signal Resolution
Size Range
48 MHz (= 21 ns resolution)
Multi-anode photomultiplier array with 32 channels
Four 8 x 12bit ADC boards
13 kHz maximum
12 µs (= minimum detectable particle interarrival time)
11 bit
Adjustable between 5 µm to 500 µm depending on the detector gain settings
Stereo Imager
Illumination Laser
Size Range
incoherent, 690 nm pulsed laser diode, 10 ns pulse length, 400 W peak power, equipped with 1 mm PMMA fibre Y-split and collimating optics
Two 9x zoom objectives for 120° stereo observation, magnification adjustable between 1.4x to 9.0x, 92 mm working distance, 2.35 µm maximum optical resolution
Two 1360x1024 pixel CCD, pixel size 6.45 µm*, 8 bit grey scale, field of view range between 6.27x4.72 mm and 0.98x0.73 mm (depending on the zoom settings of the microscopes), 15 Hz maximum frame rate, ethernet connection
3 µm to 3 mm depending on the zoom settings
* in conjunction with the zoom objective specs, the resolution is optically (lens) limited
Trigger System
Sensing Area
Coincidence Probability
Detection Threshold
25/40 mm (focal length) two lens system equipped with 0.75 mm PMMA fibre bundle, located a 90° scattering angle
0.18 mm^2 (mapped with droplet injector)
Less than 1% for ambient particle number concentrations
up to 1000 per cc
Channel 1 of the multi-anode photomultiplier array (see Polar Nephelometer)
Minimum 5 µm, adjustable for larger sizes depending on the detector gain and threshold settings
Examples of Stereo Images
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PHIPS has been certified for the following platforms


AWI Polar 5/6


“The additional information from the PHIPS-HALO of phase function coupled with the image of the particle promises to open a new avenue of research into the optical properties of clouds.”
Darrel Baumgardner, Co-Founder of Droplet Measurement Technologies (DMT)
In: Baumgardner, D., S.J. Abel, D. Axisa, R. Cotton, J. Crosier, P. Field, C. Gurganus, A. Heymsfield, A. Korolev, M. Krämer, P. Lawson, G. McFarquhar, Z. Ulanowski, and J. Um, 2017: "Cloud Ice Properties: In Situ Measurement Challenges". Meteorological Monographs, 58, 9.1–9.23,
Schnaiter, M., Järvinen, E., Abdelmonem, A., Leisner, T., "PHIPS-HALO: The airborne particle habit imaging and polar scattering probe - Part 2: Characterization and first results.", Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 11, 341-357, 2018, doi:105194/amt-11-341-2018.
Abdelmonem, A., Järvinen, E., Duft, D., Hirst, E., Vogt, S., Leisner, T., Schnaiter, M., "PHIPS-HALO: The airborne particle habit imaging and polar scattering probe - Part 1: Design and operation.", Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 9, 3131-3144, 2016, doi:105194/amt-9-3131-2016.